Q.Did I Cut My Rose Back Too Much? And Is There Fungus?
Hi there! Quick question to ease my worries, hopefully you can help!? We live in Napa, bought a home (built in 1942) with a rose bush that is probably about 60yrs old… I have been enjoying learning how to care for it. This year, I did some research and got bolder in my pruning and am so worried I over did it.
I waited until yesterday to prune (it’s been a warmer winter lately and noticed it was starting to produce little spurs of growth, wanted to prune now before it got too late..) now I’ve noticed there is quite a bit of sap coming out of the cuts… looks like heavy tears…
1. Is this a horrible sign?? Is there a very finite window to prune here in Northern California?
2. Did I cut too much back?
3. What should I fertilize it with?
I’ll attached before and after photos… THANK YOU for any help!

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
That pruning is just fine, though you will want to do this at an angle, to avoid any further issues. Roses will do much better with hard pruning like this every few years or so. The best thing when you have to prune larger branches, though, is to cover them with plant seal, or something like Elmer's glue, or even wax. This will prevent infections, and spread of existing infection.
since the winter was mild, I would recommend treating with a fungicide. This article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/info/using-fungicides-in-garden.htm
In your zone, you are pruning at the right time. I would not worry so much about that. At this time, you can apply a fungicide
This article will help you in future pruning:
This article will help you with general care: