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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Diatomaceous Earth Question

jcn added on May 5, 2013 | Answered

I recently planted some assorted flowers outside – petunias, verbena etc. and I have noticed that something is eating them and leaving little holes in all the leaves. I read about Diatomaceous Earth and thought it would be a good idea to dust the plants with this before whatever bug this is takes over and kills them entirely. I was wondering though, after the initial application what happens when it gets wet? Do I have to re-apply this stuff every time I water the plants?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 6, 2013

Thanks! I'm gonna order some right now. I put a lot of work into creating this little garden and I cringe every time I see these little holes. I'd hate to see everything die. I want these little pests gone!

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Answered on May 6, 2013

D.E. does reconstitute after it gets wet. Therefore, it will dry up and be good again. But if you're putting on plants try diluting a bit in some water and see if your sprayer can push it. Then when you spray your plants it will leave behind a coating of D.E. Apply liberally. My garden has 1/2 inch of the stuff and it works great!

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