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Garden Pest Control

Q.treating japanese beetles and grubs

Zone chatham, ontario Zone 5 | ldineen1 added on July 26, 2016 | Answered

Read your article about Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth. I also read about the bugs in the garden but didn’t see anything mentioned about Japanese beetles and grubs. I do live in Ontario so we can only use natural pesticides. I am aware of the milky spore powder but this is not available in Canada. Will Diatomaceous Earth get rid of Japanese Beetles and grubs too?

This is the worst year for bugs that we have had because of a mild winter and very hot summer. Any suggestions?

thank you for your time

Laura D.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 27, 2016

You can use a homemade insecticidal soap on the Japanese Beetles.
Planting certain plants that deter the beetles can also cut down on these pests.
Here are some links with more information.


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