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Succulent Plants

Q.Diagnoisis of Succulent

Zone I live in Indonesia | nurafrizalbashri added on September 27, 2015 | Answered

I want to propagate this succulent with cutting the leaves. I cut the 6 leaves and dry them for 1 month without watering or planting them in soil, but after 1 month there are no roots coming from leaves. All six leaves have bruises and shrink like in that picture. I want to ask why it’s like that? Is my way of doing this right for propagating the succulent? Sorry if my English is not good. I hope you understand. It will great if you help me. Thank you very much.

NT: now is already over 1 month and there are still no roots.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 28, 2015

When you remove the leaves and dry the ends, they just need to form a hard scar.

Not every leaf will successful grow.

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