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Fig Tree

Q.developing a fig tree from cuttings

Zone Yonkers, New York | wykafox added on November 15, 2017 | Answered

I have been given cuttings from a fig tree to cultivate into a new plant what do I do to encourage growth? I have them in water right now

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 16, 2017

This depends on if you have old wood (hardwood) or new wood (softwood) cuttings. The care of these will be slightly different. If you can provide pictures of what you have so far, then I can better help you. Until then, here is an article that can help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/figs/fig-propagation.htm

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Answered on November 16, 2017

I have new cutting from I guess soft wood ( no thicker than my pinkie finger) Tree the cuttings come from is only 8 ft tall about 5-6 years old. There are buds on each stem end which the tree gets prior to hibernation period

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