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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Determining amount of shade

Zone Lancaster Ohio | Mike 1020 added on February 25, 2017 | Answered

This is late Feb. in Lancaster OH and I want to determine amount of sun/shade, say from late April thru late Sept. The house front is facing about 10 degrees to the west of true north. The house is a single story ranch type. We just moved to this area and want to plant various flowers and don’t have a very good picture of how much sun and shade will be in certain areas due to time of year. Do you know how to calculate this either from taking readings for this time of year and adjust for later dates or another form of calculation?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 27, 2017

You can make a chart and start in the early morning when the sun comes up.
Make a note of the sun; full, part, shade. Write down the amount of sun each hour until the sun goes down.

These articles will help you determine full sun, part sun and shade.


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