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Q.Details on Powdery Mildew Removal

Anonymous added on April 4, 2014 | Answered

In her article (Shari Armstrong) on solutions for powdery mildew, for non-toxic remedies a dilution of hydrogen peroxide and potassium salts, what proportions do you recommend for the peroxide (and water, I assume)? What are potassium salts, how might I acquire it, and how is it used? My particular interest is currently an indoor begonia.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 5, 2014

You can avoid all the worry about mixing amounts and where to get certain items. You can buy a product call Green Cure that will do the trick and has all the items already in it, it is an Earth Friendly product and I can personally testify that it works great! Here is a link where it can be purchased: http://www.planetnatural.com/product/green-cure-fungicide/

Tell them Stan The Rose Man sent you. :)

Stan The Rose Man
Consulting Rosarian
Gardening Know How

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