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Desert Rose Plants

Q.Care of the Desert Rose

Anonymous added on August 23, 2012 | Answered

Desert rose is losing leaves. Do I need to repot it? I try not to over water it. I just need to know how to care for it.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 25, 2012

Could be it is time to repot it and also make sure it is getting plenty of sunlight. They do tend to drop older foliage as new foliage comes in, kind of the cycle of life thing for them. It sounds like you are watching the watering which can cause such problems. Also be sure the pot you plant it in has a drainage hole or drainage holes. Also when watering it, do not let it sit in the bottom saucer full of water for more than a half hour. Letting it sit in a saucer full of water will cause root problems the same as overwatering does.

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