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Desert Rose Plants

Q.Desert Rose

Anonymous added on July 18, 2015 | Answered

I’ve had my plant for about 6 weeks. It was blooming at the time. Since then it has stopped blooming and has actually dropped buds and the leaves look dry and brittle. I don’t have a lot of sunlight in my home, but I have it in my kitchen window where it gets a small amount of natural sunlight but I do have a bright fluorescent light on all day. I have noticed a few little bugs on it.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 20, 2015

They do need bright light and even light, so turning it every few days.
Watering thoroughly and allowing to dry slightly between waterings is important.
Your indoor environment may not be the right growing conditions for this tropical plant.

Dead head the spent flowers.
Treat the pests with Neem Oil.
Increase the sunlight.


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