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Desert Rose Plants

Q.Desert Rose

Zone 17340 Littlestown, PA | Rosemarie Berkau added on March 10, 2018 | Answered

I bought a Desert Rose last Spring in 2017 and it did great outside on my porch. It flowered beautifully off and on all Summer. When the weather started turning cold, I brought the plant inside and I took all the precautions it suggests on watering and keeping in a relatively sunny space, etc. but, alas, it has lost most of its leaves and, although it has gotten new growth, off and on, it usually turns brown and falls off. I try not to move it around and it gets as much sun as my windows will allow (and the weather in PA allows) but it still does not look good! It is still alive, I believe but I’m not sure for how long. Should I just start over with another plant?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 11, 2018

No this is completely normal for this to go into a semi dormant state. This is typical when they are far outside of their natural climate. When it warms back up, this will recover just fine.

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