I am a Disabled War Veteran, Retired U.S.Marine, and have always had my hands in the soil. After I retired from the Corps. I worked as a store manager for Nurseryland Garden Centers in California, which is where I am from, Los Angeles to be exact. Than I went on to Armstrong Garden Centers when they bought out Nurseryland, than to Home Depot where I retired as a District Manager.
I have a question that has confused the average Sunday Gardner for many,many years; What exactly is deadheading, and when and how, and even WHY should it be done. I thought that if anyone could answer this precisely and completely, It would be you folks.
I truly hope to see this in one of your upcoming articles very soon.
Thank You for your time and your help.
Take care and GOD Bless
Disabled Vet

Deadheading is the removal of flowers once they are past their prime. It prevents the formation of seeds and berries. And, it is optional. Some plants make beautiful seed heads. Some produce seeds that animals and birds eat. Others make so many seeds which germinate that they seem like weeds. Some "spent" blooms detract from the plant's appearance. Some plants, especially but not just annuals, will produce more flowers if the plant isn't allowed to make seeds. Allowing a plant to "go to seed" allows the gardener to collect seeds for sowing elsewhere (or the next year) or sharing with friends. Unfortunately, there is no rule for or comprehensive list of which plants produce more blooms if dead-headed. I've attached an article link that lists plants that are known to bloom more if dead-headed. Ultimately, the decision is up to the gardener.