Q.deadheading asiatic daylilies
I’m not sure what the green part of my asiatic daylilies are underneath where I removed the spent flowers?? Is it a seed pod or will it bloom again?? Just don’t know whether or not to remove that green part/seed pod or whatever that thing is? I’m not a knowledgeable gardener…no green thumb here 🙂
Find the female parts of the flower. The pistil is the term for this part. It includes the stigma, style, ovary and egg cells. The pistil is the large center part of the flower. At the top of the pistil is the stigma. The stigma is rounded and is sticky to the touch. It is sticky so that it can catch pollen. It is attached to the ovary with a stem-like portion called the style. The ovary is the big round portion at the bottom of the pistil.