Q.Dead shrubs
I made a mistake. A few weeks ago I was cleaning my flower bed from weeds and putting on mulch. I also sprayed a weed killer solution trying to spray the soil only, but seeing now that all my shrubs have lost all of the leaves, tells me that I may have sprayed on the shrubs. I am not sure if they will survive or not. I cut the tips of some branches and they are still green inside. What can I do to revive or make my shrubs to grow leaves once again after unintentionally spraying weed killer on them? Btw, I live in Texas (hot) and we just started the summer.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do other than maybe trying to flush out the area with water, including your shrubs. Run water over them to remove any residue that may be on them and the surrounding area. As long as the stems are still alive, then they should eventually regrow their leaves.