Q.Dead? Philodendron
I had a split leaf philodendron that started it’s life in a classroom in Houston Texas in 1985. When it got too big for the pot I planted it in an enclosed area of my patio. Through the years, it grew and grew. It’s survived freezing weather, and flooding. This past winter however , something happened. We were on a cruise when the weather in Houston became bad and when we came home in January, 2018, the philodendron leaves had frozen back. I wasn’t too worried because similar things had happened before. It had, after all, suffered prior freezes and thrived. This time, it didn’t. I have cut off all of the leaves and have left the three trunks and the aerial roots. The trunks are approximately 6 to 8 inches in diameter. Do you think that my beautiful philodendron is dead? It certainly doesn’t show any signs of living; however it does not feel squishy to the touch on the trunks. Should I give up hope? I loved that plant! Thanking you in advance for your response. Mona Wilson
Try cutting a tiny bit of a twig. If it is green it might be alive. It also depends on how long it has been in this state because it can retain moisture for a while.