Q.Dead Peach Tree
There are two miniature peach trees side by side, and one of them has totally died in a matter of 2 weeks. It is on a drip system and had gotten all the same water and fertilizer as the other, but just died. We were gone for a week or so and when we came back, it was dead. All the leaves and peaches are completely dead. What coud have caused this to happen so quickly and the other one seems to be ok? Also, we have 3 tomato plants in the same area. . . all on the same system and all doing great.
My assumption would be that the drip to that plant was clogged. Check to make sure. How long have you had the peaches? Obviously something traumatic has happened to that plant if the other plants are doing well. As in life, sometimes things just happen for no apparent reason, and we never really know why! Sorry I didn't have a more definitive answer for you. :(