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Dutchman's Pipe Vines

Q.dead leaves on my pipe vine

Zone houston, tx | evbuckler added on May 13, 2018 | Answered

My pipe vine has many dead leaves. As soon as I remove them, more come. The leaves lighten and then turn brown and dry. It receives the morning sun and I water it well. Last year I had no such problems. What should I do.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 14, 2018

Initially, the plant uses its energy mainly for growing new leaves, hence yearly new shoots are rather sparse, especially during the first few years. Foliage from May to November. The vine doesn't look “straggly” in winter, as the sparse new shoots keep their decorative light green color. The older, perennial shoots are light grey.
Pipe Vine are generally disease free.
From your image though I do think it appears to be a fungus issue.
I would use a fungicide on the vine and see if the appearance improves.


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