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Q.Dead Dogwood Tree

Anonymous added on March 31, 2011 | Answered

We have a patio in back with a square brick garden in the middle (5×5). There is a dogwood in the middle and white azaleas around it, maybe 4-5. The dogwood has died, probably drought, it is about 15 feet high. Should we just cut it down and then grind the trunk or wait till after the azaleas bloom and then redo the whole brick garden? Any suggestions on the best way to do this without disturbing the whole patio garden?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 1, 2011

If you enjoy the flowers from the azaleas, you can wait until they are finished blooming. In my own yard, when a dogwood tree died, I simply planted a climbing vine at the base and it now serves as a trellis for the vine. You can remove it as well, without too many issues, though the grinding may disturb the azaleas around it (depending how close they are), but not so much that it will kill them.

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