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Q.daylilies planting new bulbs

Zone 98026 | gardengal added on March 6, 2018 | Answered

I just bought daylily bulbs from Costco and as they were starting to have nice green shoots on them (about 4″ tall) – I thought I’d better get them out of the bag and into a pot until I decided where to ultimately plant them in the ground. I potted up all the tubers and put them outside in the pots, and then we were hit by a very cold spell, not freezing but down into the mid to upper 30’s. After that the leaves have turned from green to almost light green/whitish (like celery after it turns limp) – have I killed them or will they recover? What should I do now? Thanks for any advice!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 6, 2018

They will recover if they weren't bone dry when the cold hit. Daylilies are tough plants!

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