Q.Day Lilly – Winter – Garage
My neighbor dug 100 Day Lillybulbs out of his garden and wanted to dispose of them, I volunteered to take ownership of them. Now I have 100 bulbs at my disposal and am wanting to protect them until re-planting time. I checked YouTube and saw many solutions on how to clean them, wash them, dry them, wrap them individually in the newspaper and store them in cardboard boxes in a room temperature between 35 to 45.
My question is can I just put them in a cardboard box(s); lay dirt(soil) first then neatly the bulbs then dirt on top of them and then another layer and so on?
Thank you immensely,
Dallas, Texas

Spread several inches of moist peat moss in the bottom of a cardboard box or plastic tub.
Lay the rhizomes on top of the peat moss, placing them so they don't touch each other. Rot can spread from plant to plant if the rhizomes are touching and one rots. Alternate layers of peat moss and rhizomes until the box is full or you have placed all of your rhizomes. End with a layer of peat moss.
Store the box in a cold, dry place where the temperature is 35 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit.