Q.Damaged young apple tree
Hi there
Someone reversed over our apple tree and it looks like the trunk is up to 50% severed just below the soil. The tree is about 8 yeas old but had been in a pot for 6 of them so is still quite small at no more then 5 feet high.
I have it staked straight again so the ‘wound’ is closed, and have added top soil and some garden compost but I’m not sure what else to do so any advice greatly appreciated !
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
As long as there is still a good portion of the tree still attached, they can usually recover from this kind of damage on their own. I would water once with a gallon of water, but replace 1/4 of the water with peroxide. This will help keep away an infection.
Your tree may not bear a full crop next year, but by the next, it should be producing well again.