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Amaryllis Plants

Q.Damaged Amaryllis

Zone Rogers, Arkansas | jynxed.gal1989 added on March 12, 2017 | Answered

I have an amaryllis that was given as a gift for Christmas. It had been doing beautifully and during a warm, sunny streak of weather I put it outside with some of my other plants. Well a gust of wind caught it and it fell from my second story porch, no one was hurt except for the plant. The bulbs hadn’t cracked so I quickly repotted them (leaving the neck of the bulb above the soil). Some of the leaves had snapped off so I cut back the ones too damaged to save and I was left with three leaves. It had drooped some, though it seems to have perked back up, but one leaf is turning yellow. I placed it in the window hoping that more sun will help with the yellowing. Will my amaryllis grow new leaves over the summer before it goes dormant? Or have I well and truly shocked it?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 13, 2017

With this disruption in the bulbs root system and with only one flower remaining, I would just continue care and allow the plant to die down naturally and go into dormancy.

Your bulb will return next year!

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