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Tree Problems

Q.Damage to newly planted trees

Zone Phillipsburg, NJ | Eagle00072 added on February 27, 2016 | Answered

In the spring of 2015, I planted two new trees in my garden. A Weeping Japanese red maple, and an Eastern Redbud tree. Both were doing very well, and heavily mulched to protect from the winter cold. In January 2016, we had a heavy snowfall of about 32 inches of snow. When the snow melted, I noticed damage to both trees.

The Japanese red maple snapped in several spots and my main concern is the main branch is split to the base of the next branch and split again. On the red bud, which is only one maybe two feet tall, the center branch is snapped. There are two other branches coming out of the base but one looks to be dead because it is dark brown. It’s too early to walk in the garden because of spring flowers coming up, but if I need to I will. Should these be pruned now before warmer weather sets in, or left as is?

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