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Daisy Bushes

Q.Daisy won’t bloom

Zone 30120 | Anonymous added on August 21, 2017 | Answered

We planted some white perennial Daisy plants last spring and they had beautiful blooms. This spring they grew in size and thickness and produced many buds but won’t flower. The buds are turning brown and dying. The plant is thick and green. There some yellowing leaves at the base. We have watered and mulched and given them plant food. Not sure what else to do. Pics are included.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 22, 2017

It could be that you are providing too much fertilizer, especially nitrogen fertilizer. Excessive nitrogen induces plants to focus on growing beautiful green foliage and not producing flowers, while phosphorus is the nutrient that is best for promoting blooms. Drought or excessive heat can also kill flower buds. You are already making sure to provide enough water, so maybe you could try providing shade to shield it from the heat (like by moving a tall potted plant over near the daisies).


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