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Q.Dahlia info after storm

Zone Hubert, NC 28539 | Peggy Grimes added on October 25, 2018 | Answered

I live on the coast of North Carolina. Just been through 2 late season hurricanes and my Dahlias were ripped and torn. I cut them back to about 6-7 inches, just where they were broken by the winds. Now, some are leafing out again. Can these by dug up to winder over in my garage, or should I wait until it is colder? Our winters are so mild, I usually just leave them alone.
Thanks in advance for you kind interest!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 29, 2018

If you generally leave in the ground in your garden, you can leave them.

If you want to dig up, I would wait until it gets colder or the foliage gets touched by the cold.


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