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Q.dahlia growing

Zone Lake Macquarie N.S.W. | gmac022 added on August 3, 2017 | Answered

can you help with dahlias, such as what to do with bulbs at end of growing season? how to plant the bulbs and when? feeding etc

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
David Wynne
Answered on August 3, 2017

The theory is simple, I have tried it every year but with little success. If you leave them in the ground they will almost certainly rot. First frost will see the leaves wilt. Take them out of the ground, clean off all the mud /soil that comes with them and cut off the stems, leaving about 3 inches on. Hang tubers upside down to dry off, trim off the stringy roots, then store in a frost free environment. Start them off again with heat if you can in early spring.

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