Q.Daffodils this year
The year before last I planted a lot of daffodils and in the first year they were fine. This year they have produced flowers but just as they are about to come out the whole stem falls over and the trumpets are being eaten. Then they stand up again but the flowers have been decimated.
I also have aubretia that does the same every year. It comes up fine and then it all falls over and lies on the ground for the rest of the season. It doesn’t get eaten though.
Can you explain?

Are your daffodils getting enough sun (at least 6 hours of direct sunlight)? Are they planted at the correct depth? If planted too shallowly, flopping is a problem. Daffodils are generally planted so the tip of the bulb is about 6 inches down. Over-fertilization causes excessive green growth and long, weak stems.