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Q.Daffodils Don’t Come Back Year After Year

Zone Denton TX | Anonymous added on March 2, 2021 | Answered

Each year for the past many years I’ve planted daffodil bulbs in different areas of my yard. The fall before last I planted 80 bulbs in one large flower bed. Last spring about 50 of them came up and flowered. This year, I have 3 that came up but only one flowered. Can you give me some suggestions for this fall? There is a small patch right up next to my house that is the only one successful. But the one in full sun, that I usually put sweet potato vine in the spring and summer, is the one where I put the 80 bulbs. When I dig or weed, I don’t ever find rotting bulbs or any remnants of what I’ve previously planted. Any suggestions?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 2, 2021
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