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Q.Daffodil Question

Zone 84057 Utah valley | Sharon Walker added on May 3, 2017 | Answered

This was my first year growing daffodils..They were lovely. My daffodils have now all lost their yellow blossoms. The stalks have round a round growth near the top. The leaves are still lovely green. What do I do next? someone once told me not to cut the stalks or leaves until they have turned brown. I want them to grow again next year without me having to dig them up and store. Help please?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 4, 2017

You should cut off the round seed heads that are forming in place of the flowers but that is all you should cut off. I have companion plants that grow around my daffodils to hide the stalks and leaves as they die back. These articles will help



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