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Q.Daffodils not flowering

Zone Colo. not sure of zone | umeandthree added on April 1, 2015 | Answered

I get very few flowers per cluster of beautiful foliage. I admit I cut them and bring them in as soon as they come out, as they’re my favorite and so long lasting. However, I’m getting less and less every year. I don’t cut the stems until they’ve browned. I get a few flowers every year so just figured since the plant foliage was so healthy the bulb was healthy. Is it time to dig them up? I’ve planted new ones since and still only few and far between flowers. My neighbor down the road has huge bouquets of beautiful flowers each year and I’m thankful for one skinny beautiful bloom, so sad. Please help. Thank you.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 1, 2015

Sounds like your bulbs are crowded and need division. Dig them up and separate them in spring following bloom time or in autumn. Replant in groupings, allowing further room for growth. When replanting, I would give the daffodils fertilizer - information on the type of fertilizer and how to apply it, can be found here:

For more information on the care of daffodils and daffodil bloom issues, please visit the following links:



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