Q.Cycad Reproduction? Moving Existing Plant And/or New Plants. How Much Sunlight.
Cycad about 16 years old – looks great. Research indicates it throws seeds. There are what appears to be ‘off shoots’ around base either attached OR touching base. ‘stems’ are about 15-20 inches ( I’m NOT young!!!) and now appear to be shooting fronds. I want to spread new plants BUT don’t want to damage anything.
Main plant was moved 12 years ago and I want to move it again and save ‘suckers’ If you can advise on moving new growth. And how much direct sun they may withstand. Please, Thanx Pen.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Seeds will only occur when there is, both, a female and male specimen in close proximity. If you aren't noticing several small plants that are NOT attached, then chances are great that it is not producing seeds. If you do, however, see small plantlets that are not attached, then you may be in luck.
Though mature Sago palms cannot be moved, the pups attached to the mother plant can. They are sun-hungry, and will tolerate full sun, though they will tolerate shade as well.
These articles will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/sago-palm/transplanting-sago-palms.htm