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Q.Cutting Back Roses

Zone HAWICK Scottish Borders | Anonymous added on October 17, 2021 | Answered

My wife planted these 2 roses however they’re now about 4’ tall !? We maybe should’ve cut them back more , can we cut them back before winter and again in Feb/March , we live just below Edinburgh in Scotland Thanks

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 17, 2021

You could wait until late February or March if you want. Some people may prune early though. Fo example, if the plant still has flower buds and October remains mild, you could give the buds a couple more weeks to see if you get to enjoy a few, last of the season flowers; otherwise, you could prune at around that time too. See more info here:


Pruning tends to encourage new growth, which can get zapped by early frosts so it may be best to do this in March. Deadheading of the spent blooms can be done at any time if they do not fall down by themselves.

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