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Indian Hawthorn Shrubs

Q.cutting back indian hawthorne

Zone Madison MS 39110 | Anonymous added on October 16, 2018 | Answered

i need to know when and how to cut back an overgrown small variety indian hawthorne. they are set as individual plants in a bed.the service that was taking care of them let them get so large that the overhung the sidewalk and then they made a straight flat cut on the sidewalk side. looks terrible. I’m tasked with getting them back under control. can you do a drastic cutback and if so, when? Thank you, Johnny Minninger

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 17, 2018

This can be done. There are a few things to know before you do this, though. It is best to prune them IMMEDIATELY after they flower, as waiting too long will mean cutting next years flowers off. Here is an article that will give you more detailed information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/shrubs/indian-hawthorn/indian-hawthorn-pruning.htm

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