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Geranium Plants

Q.Cutting back Geraniums in summer in Arizona

Zone Mesa, Arizona | Anonymous added on July 9, 2017 | Answered

I am caring for geranium plants for the summer. They are in pots and on my patio in the shade because our heat is over 105 degrees daily. Should I cut them back to start new growth during this time? Should I place them in the sun part of the day – the very hot sun??? Some the leaves are browning and some are yellowing. I fed them with Miracle Grow. They appear over-grown to me. No flowers at all at this time. Thanks for your help.

Patti Baca pbaca6@cox.net

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 10, 2017

Actually, if some of your leaves are yellowing, that's typically a sign of too much water. It could be a disease but that's not very common. You'll want to remove the dead foliage and avoid water from overhead. Repotting might not be a bad idea right about now as well. These articles may help you:



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