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Avocado Trees

Q.Cutting an Avocado Seedling Back?

Zone 7 | christie_1974 added on August 27, 2013 | Answered

I am growing an avocado tree from a seed. I have read everywhere that you are suppose to cut it back to about 3 inches tall to support new growth. I cut it back and it grew a whole different shoot off the side. What should I do?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 29, 2013

Hopefully, what you read was a proofreading error. Where it said inches, it should have said feet. If the stem was cut to 3", there may have been only one node for branching. Leave the new growth alone until it's about 14-18" tall. Pinch the tip and top two leaves and it will branch. To make the plant dense and shrubby, keep pinching the growing tip. Each branch you 'tip' will flush with new growth at each node...or it should.

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Answered on August 29, 2013

see if there is any other buds where a shoot can develop and cut out the new shoot

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