Q.Cut Pups Off Bromeliad Too Soon
reading your article on bromeliad propagation I realized I cut the pups off the mother plant too soon. They were not 1/3 size of mother plant. They are small about 1 to 1/5 inches. Mother plant is at least 12 inches center of mother plant is dying. rescued this plant from clearance rack at garden center.. pathetic looking but now looks a lot better. I planted 3 pups in same container, using cactus soil. I hope they make it. Do you think they have a chance? Also, can i cut the center out of mother plant where it is dried and “dead” looking?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Since you already have the pups, you can go ahead and discard the parent plant if it is looking unsightly. Or continue to care for her and she may produce more pups. (I would not prune if you are hoping for more pups.)
Your pups still have a chance, even though they were removed too soon. Bromeliads are epiphytes, and they get their nourishment from the air.