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Almond Trees

Q.Cut Off The Snapped Almond Tree Top

dhamalika added on February 29, 2020 | Answered

Please let me know whether to cut off the snapped overhanging tree top or leave it as such for the replacement branches to grow.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 2, 2020

At this point, it is better to remove so that the replacement branches can take over. To save the branch, it would have needed to be fixed the moment that it happened. The longer that it remains on there, now, the more of a chance it becomes to get an infection.

Removing will be best, now.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 2, 2020

At this point, it is better to remove so that the replacement branches can take over. To save the branch, it would have needed to be fixed the moment that it happened. The longer that it remains on there, now, the more of a chance it becomes to get an infection.

Removing will be best, now.

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Answered on March 4, 2020

Dear BushDoctor, I have removed the snapped top of the almond tree. The tree is completely bald. Keeping the fingers crossed for it to show signs of life somewhere.

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