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Fig Tree

Q.Curling Leaves On Violette De Bordeaux Fig Tree

Zone Gilroy CA 95020 | Anonymous added on May 16, 2021 | Answered

This tree was planted last year and the leaves started curling soon after. It produced some good figs though. This spring it came out beautifully at first but after a month or so the leaves started drooping and curling. It is still producing new leaves and all the leaves, though curling, are very green and soft. The first time I deep watered it this year I had the water run very slow for almost all day and the basin never overflowed. But now it fills up right away. I have mulch around it. I am going to wait 10 days before watering again. I did not plant the tree myself. I am 79, and so I had a gardener do the planting. There are a lot of rocks, some quite large, in the soil, I am wondering if maybe it’s sitting on one. Do you think it would be ok to dig deeply around the tree to see what’s down there? Also, the Gardner left part of the pot around one side of the tree. He said so the roots wouldn’t go into the patio. Do you think that should be removed? Or maybe it needs some kind of fertilizer? Hope you have an answer. Thanks very much

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 19, 2021

It does sound like the roots are being cramped somehow, especially if the water is pooling now and didn't do so before. It's also possible your tree is getting too much water. Fig trees don't like wet feet.
So, yes, I think it would be okay to dig carefully around the tree. The plastic pot barrier shouldn't be a problem if the roots have some other direction to grow unimpeded.
Here's some watering info: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/figs/common-fig-tree-diseases.htm

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