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Forsythia Bushes

Q.curling leaves on forsythia

Zone Central Washington-98801 | daimarb added on June 11, 2015 | Answered

We planted two very small forsythia plants in the spring of 2014 about 8 ft. from each other. One is flourishing and the other one is much smaller and one branch has small shriveled up leaves on it. Could this be a fungus or insects?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 12, 2015

Inspect the shrub and leaves. Do you see any signs of insects or disease?
I do suspect watering is more likely an issue. The shrubs are new plantings.
Winter was incredibly hard on gardens across much of the United States this last winter. This could be adding to the stresses on the shrubs.
It is not unusual for two plantings to grow differently.
Forsythia likes to be watered and a good guideline is 2 " of water weekly.
Here is a link about the care requirements.


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