Q.Curled Up Peace Lily Leaves With Black Patches On Them
The peace lily leaves are curled up towards back. Most of the leaves have black patches on it. New leaves are coming though but it’s not looking good. I water it when the soil feels dry but mist on leaves thrice a day. It’s very hot and humid at my place. 90°F.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Unfortunately, this problem can be caused by many things. Generally, though, there are three common causes. After determining that it is not any of those, then you can begin to diagnose further.
Overwatering, overfertilizing, and salt build up from tap water are the three most common causes. Overwatering will suffocate the root ball, thus, killing the plant. Less is more, here. They can handle it on the dryer side, but they cannot handle too much water. I would wait until the soil is dry halfway down the container before watering again. As far as fertilizers go- I would refrain unless it is showing signs. Salt build up is a little different.Fertilizers and tap water will cause salt build up. This will be mitigated by "flushing" the soil and letting water drain freely out.