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Q.Cultivation of Mushroom

flyinghigh added on September 4, 2013 | Answered

Can you please guide and explain me about cultivation of mushrooms? I have 60 yards area in front of my house that is empty and where I can grow mushrooms? Please guide me to what I will need to do for this and if it is suitable to grow mushrooms there? I want to do it for business purpose.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 5, 2013
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Answered on September 4, 2013

There is a company called Fungi Perfecti that sells plug spawn that you drill into a log and cover with wax, and there is also sawdust spawn. The most common sawdust spawn mushroom being Stropharia roguso annulata. It is a heavy feeder though, and is best grown in straw or mulch. The problem with growing in this matter is that, to avoid wild mushrooms from growing in it, the straw/mulch must be washed in a diluted hydrogen peroxide solution or heated to a sterilizing extent, and on a business scale, this is a lot of work.


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