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Cucumber Plants

Q.Cucumber plant wilting

Zone Round Rock, Texas zone 8 | texasnana added on April 23, 2017 | Answered

My pickling cucumber was looking wonderful and was starting to set lots of small cucumbers. Then the next day I noticed it was starting to look limp. By the end of that day it was totally wilted. I pulled it up and removed it, but I want to know if I can plant another in the same dirt or if I need to get rid of the dirt it had been growing in.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 28, 2017

This could be cucumber bacterial wilt:

Or, something could have cut the vine off at the base, causing the whole plant to wilt. Other possible causes are here:

In case it is a disease, it's best to get rid of the dirt to avoid repeating the same problem. Or, at least don't grow cucumbers in the same spot for several years.

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