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Cucumber Plants


Zone Franklin ,Ma 02038 | gga5671289 added on August 26, 2017 | Answered

I have some Marketmore Cucumbers growing. One is about 7 inches long and looks like it is ready to be picked it is getting a bit plump around the middle. The blossom end of the cuke is like a little curled tail, like on a pig. I am wondering does this mean that the cuke needs to grow more or should I go ahead and pick it? The others are shorter and fatter around 5 in or so and. getting fat instead of long the are green with some paler green stripes. Should I pick them? I have grown Marketmore other years and they were long and straight. This year they are mostly short and fat.
Thank you

Ruth Garcia

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 27, 2017

Fruit and vegetables often grow in different shapes.

This will not effect the taste.


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