Q.Cucamelon Setting Fruit
I’m in USDA zone 8(b) on Vancouver Island. First time growing cucamelon on my balcony garden, some in a large pot with trellis, some in a hanging basket climbing up the chain the basket is hanging on. ESE exposure, Direct sun for about 4-5 hours morning to mid-day.
The plants look very healthy and are vigorous. I have lots of small yellow flowers on the tip of fruits about 1/2 inch long but the fruits are not setting and growing in size.
Problem with pollination, light. ??? Thanks for any help.

6 plus hours of sunlight is needed.
Container plants need daily water and even twice a day if temperatures are above 85 degrees F.
I have heard many reports of these plants slow to set on fruit. You can try self pollinating but also give the plant more time.