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Ctenanthe Plants

Q.Ctenanthe sticky leaves and White chrystalized dots

Zone Copenhagen | Anonymous added on October 20, 2019 | Answered

My boyfriend and I have a Big ctenanthe in our bedroom and we have had it for two years. We love it and try to take very good care of it. It has grown a lot during those two years and now its taller than me (163 cm) incl the pot.
It started having seethrough waterooking dot underneath the leaves that came and went, especially during summer. However, now the leaves get this more and more, especially at night and now there are also these white crystalized dots underneath some of the leaves. Nothing is moving on the leaves and stilks when we looked for potential bug infestation and pictures of different kinds of bugs doesn’t really add up to what we are seing on the leaves. Please help us. We dont know what is wrong with our ctenanthe or if anything is wrong and what we should do about it. We are also not sure if we are watering it correctly. Some say it needs a lot of water, some not the opposite.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 21, 2019

It looks like scale. Here is an article that tells how to deal with them.


The crispy edges could be a watering/humidity problem. They require moist soil but not overly wet or it will rot. Wait till the top 1 inch of soil is dry to water again. It needs to be on a pebble tray to increase humidity around plant. (Pot sits on pebbles in tray filled with water) Or you can spritz it with water 3 times a week.
They also don't like sudden changes in temperature.

See if the watering/humidity tips help.

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