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Q.Crocosmia problem

Zone 77384 | Aussielee added on July 28, 2016 | Answered

Most leaves are turning brown. I transplanted from Seattle to Houston last summer. It grew fine and returned in March. Two blooms but now it’s very sad. It’s in a Mexican clay pot facing SW. Any advice please.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 29, 2016

There could be a few reasons for the poor growth and lack of flowering.
Make sure the plants are properly watered. In warm weather a container may need to be watered twice a day.
Make sure the excess water is draining from the pot.
You may need to move the container to a morning sun and afternoon shade location so that the pot does not heat up so much during the warmest part of the day.
The plant could need to be divided, when flowering slows down it can be sign that the plant is overcrowded.
Look for signs of disease or pests, do the leaves yellow then turn brown?
These links will help refresh you on the care and help you pinpoint the cause of the issues.



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