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Container Ponytail Palm Trees

Q.Crooked Ponytail Palm

Zone Canada | fittiesweetie added on September 3, 2015 | Answered

My hubby bought me a large ponytail palm back in March from Walmart (trunk is about a foot with lots of leaves on top). It seems to be growing lopsided. The trunk should be a pear shape, and one side definitely is, while the other side seems to be under-developed, therefore, making it lopsided. What can I do to correct this, or will I be stuck with a sideways tree? The smaller side has roots growing from it and the pear-shaped side does not.

FYI – When I repotted this plant in the early spring, I did plant it in a larger pot, although it did not have a lot of roots. I don’t believe it was crooked when it came home. I have provided a picture of when I first purchased it (in the black pot), and a few of it now and the trunk. Taken today.

I would so greatly appreciate any information you can provide to me on how to hopefully correct this plant. Now that I’ve typed this out and read everything I’ve written, I think I may just repot it straight and see if that helps. Please let me know if this would be the best method of correct this problem.


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 5, 2015

Your plant looks very healthy. Ponytail do like to be root bound so be careful not to repot to soon or use to large of a pot.
Allow the soil to dry between waterings.

This is not an unusual growing pattern, it won't harm the plant to grow in this pattern. Trying to repot and straighten the plant could do mor harm than good. Turn the plant every week to make sure it is getting even light in an indoor location.


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