Q.Crinum Milk And Wine Lilies Have Curving Bloom Staljs
I have grown milk and wine crinum lilies for years in the same area of our garden with great success. This year, most of the bloom stalks are curvy from the base emerging from the bulb, and are much shorter than usual. However there are others that appear normal—tall and straight. We had a late hard freeze this year. Could that be the cause or perhaps over-crowding? There are no signs of disease. I attached 2 photos, but I am not sure I was successful. They do not appear in this questionnaire.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
That type of occurrence is usually weather related or an environmental upset such as herbicide drift. The freeze may have caused it as you suggested. I expect it will return to normal next year. I didn't find that was a sign of overcrowding, and unless you think yours are really crowded, crinum lilies resent having their roots disturbed. Here is some info that may help: