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Crepe Myrtle Trees

Q.Crepe Myrtle Tree

Zone so. calif | Anonymous added on July 4, 2013 | Answered

I have a tree that is about 7 years old. The trunk doesn’t seem to get very strong. It’s about 6″ in diameter, which is not big enough to support the tree without being staked. I lost one that broke off at ground level that was also staked. How can I get this trunk grow thicker? Thanks for your help.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 4, 2013

The trunk will grow thinker with time. Is the plant in full sun? Some trees and shrubs are more brittle than others, Bradford pear is a prime example, but I haven't experienced limb loss with crepe myrtles. Have yyou had a storm with severe winds before or at the time of broken limb?

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