Q.Crepe Myrtle
I have 2 single stalk Crepe Myrtle trees that are each approximately 8 years old. This spring, one of them grew foliage and the other did not. I waited several more weeks when every Crepe Myrtle in my yard (5) was covered with foliage. This one had nothing, so I cut it back to see what would happen and still nothing. There were plenty of sprouts coming out of the ground around the base. Could it just be in shock?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
The fact that it has sprouts (or suckers) around its base suggests that the tree is under stress. It is possible that the upper part of the tree did not survive. The suckers are an attempt by the still living roots to save itself. These suckers will grow into crepe myrtles, but likely will never look like a tree, but rather like a shrub. This article will help you determine if the upper half of the tree is dead: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/environmental/how-to-tell-if-a-plant-is-dead-and-how-to-recover-an-almost-dead-plant.htm