Q.creeping bent grass
Can this lawn be saved? Where I live (over 55 yrs for residency) the lawn is being overtaken by bent grass. Gardeners sprayed herbicide in the cold weather but have yet to spray again as it is needed. Warm weather is here. Can this lawn be saved? I see bent grass under the remaining tall fescue everywhere.

There are pre and post emergent herbicides that target Creeping Bentweed. Look for this specific weed on the label.
This is a selective product that will control the bentgrass without harming your desired grasses. The best time to start this process is in mid-July, and it requires three applications, spaced two weeks apart, to achieve complete control. Once the herbicide is applied to the lawn, the bentgrass will turn bright white and be very noticeable, so be prepared that this will happen. Once the bentgrass is controlled, you can reseed the lawn.